Thursday, 28 January 2016

Merit Calculation Formula for Educators Recruitment 2016

As Educators Recruitment Process is on its way, many people want to calculate their merit for educators recruitment 2016 beforehand . So in this post you will find Merit Calculation Formula for Educators Recruitment 2016 and how to calculate merit as well. In Educators Recruitment 2016, the ranking criteria for Educators is as under :

As you can , there are defined marks for academics, test and interview, so all we need to do is to get percentage of our academics and multiply it with merit marks. I’m going to perform a demo of merit calculation below.
I’ve used some abbreviation due to fit the column .
  • DP means Degree Percentage
  • ASM means Allocated Merit Marks
  • So I got 50.23 marks out of 75 marks. Please note that I’ve not added M.Phil marks to avoid confusion as many candidates have not done M.Phil. If you have M.Phil or Ph.D degree, just add 5 more marks . 
    Now we have got merit marks without test and interview. Let’s move ahead and calculate our final marks based on our expected marks in NTS test and Interview.
    This time NTS test has 20 Allocated Merit Marks. What does this mean ?
    Let me explain in layman language. 20 allocated marks mean if you get full 100 marks in NTS test, you will get full 20 Allocated Marks. So in this way, if you get 50 marks in NTS test, you will get 10 allocated marks.
    So let’s suppose you get 80 marks in NTS test, you will get 16 NTS allocated marks.
    Now add your assumed NTS test marks in your total academic marks :
  • So my final merit marks have reached as high as 71.23 
    Now calculate your merit and share your merit marks in comments. If you have any problem in calculation, please comment your marks in comment section and I’ll calculate your merit marks for you .  😎
Wish you all the best :)

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